The Call Status Workflow Trigger can be used to trigger workflows when a call status is detected. This article will outline how to set up a workflow using the Call Status Workflow Trigger.
Follow these steps to set up the Call Status trigger for your workflows:
Step 1: Start a new workflow or edit an existing one
Step 2: Creating and Editing the Trigger
Click “Add New Workflow Trigger”
Select Call Status in the Events section of the Workflow Triggers Menu or use the search feature
In its base form, this workflow will be triggered any time a call status is assigned for any contacts. This is likely too broad of an application, so the Call Status Workflow Trigger has additional filters to specify which call statuses and contacts can trigger this particular workflow
Under Workflow Trigger Name you can change the display name of this trigger within the workflow.
Under Filters, there are many options for filtering out which call status situations can trigger this workflow
Call Direction allows you to delineate between Incoming and Outgoing calls
Call Status will enable you to specify which call status(es) can trigger this workflow
In Workflow will enable you to make it so that only calls that occur within a separate workflow can trigger this workflow.
In Number Pool and In Phone Number allow you to select specific predefined sets of numbers, or specific contact numbers (respectively) to be able to trigger this workflow
Press Save Trigger in the bottom right corner of the Trigger setup menu
Step 3: Set up applicable Workflow Action(s). We have multiple articles available to explain the setup of each of the Workflow Actions. Feel free to review our articles for more information on setting these up.
Pro Tip: You can use any Workflow Actions to be triggered by the Call Status Workflow Trigger or you can leave this workflow without any actions.
Step 4: Press Save in the top right corner of your browser to save the workflow
If your Workflow is ready to be enabled, make sure the toggle switch under Save is set to Publish
Be sure to test your Workflow to ensure it is set up correctly using the Test Workflow button next to the Publish toggle switch.
For an in-depth overview of Workflow Testing see our article, “Using the Testing Features in Workflows”
Now your workflow is set up and ready to go with the Call Status Workflow Trigger.