In this article, we will explain the workflow action Voicemail, how to add one to a workflow and give an example of what it can be used for
In this situation, we will act as if we have multiple triggers leading up to this event for the client.
An SMS was sent out to them, and after that, there was a Call, now we want to add a Voicemail for the last attempt. (seen below)
First, start by selecting the “+” button
This will pop up a menu selection on the right-hand side of the screen
Scroll down until you see the “External Communications” collum
Select “Voicemail”
You now have to ability to add pre-recorded voicemails to the contact
NOTE: Voicemail drops work approximately 70% of the time. They are a workaround solution to expedite leaving voicemails. Phone carriers don't generally like the concept so this is a phone carrier 'trick' and a workaround.
Please Note: if your voicemail is not working: go to and upload the voicemail file. Otherwise, you can create a new file here
Select the green “Upload File” button and choose the pre-recorded file
Please make sure you click the “Save Action” button before you close the voicemail tab