In this article, you will learn more about the Set Contact DND action.
This action will allow you to set your contact to DND, which stands for Do Not Disturb. Some case use examples: Used if they have replied with an opt-out word, if the email sent has bounced, or if they submit an unsubscribe form.
What you will need:
A workflow
Step 1: Edit or create a workflow
Make sure you have edited or created the workflow and that it has the proper trigger and action steps needed
Add the action step Set Contact DND
Step 2: Activating DND
You have the option to enable DND for all channels (this will stop all communication) or just from one channel (it will stop communication only from this channel).

Note: You will also have the option to disable DND. The contact will need to be marked as DND before doing this action.
Once your workflow is ready to go, publish it and save.