Launching a New Facebook Ad

Launching a New Facebook Ad

After you have connected your Facebook ads account you are ready to create a New Campaign

Select the New Campaign icon and then select a Category or use the Search bar to find templates. 

You can choose from any of the templates that are displayed. You'll be able to edit the images or text later in the creation process so just choose a template that most closely resembles the kind of ad you would like to launch. 

After you have selected your template, you'll be able to enter some settings such as the Campaign Type, Daily Budget, Website and Radius. 

The Campaign Type options include Landing Page, Lead Form and FB Messenger. A Landing Page type ad will direct clicks to a URL for a landing page that you have created. A Lead Form type ad will direct clicks to form inside of Facebook that may pre-populate information such as Name, Email and Phone number based on information that is set for a person's Facebook account. A FB Messenger type ad will direct clicks to start a chat conversation with your business page. 

The Daily Budget is how much you would like to spend per day on the ad. 

The Website is the URL that is used for a Landing Page style ad. 

Radius is the geographical radius relative to the business address around which the ad will be displayed.

Additional Options will show the following settings:

After you launch your campaign it will display in the list of campaigns on your Dashboard area. 

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