Now, you can easily track any changes made to your calendars, ensuring transparency and accountability within your studio management.
How to Use?
Navigate to Settings > Audit Logs.
Select "Calendars" under the module to view changes across all calendars.
For a specific calendar:
1. Access the Calendar Settings of the specific calendar you want to track changes for.
2. Copy the calendar ID from the settings.
3. Go to Settings > Audit Logs and paste the calendar ID in the 'Document ID' search box.
4. You will now have access to all details specific to that calendar, allowing you to monitor changes effectively.
This new feature will be extremely beneficial for you using Enrollio. By having a clear record of all edits made to your calendars, you can ensure that your scheduling is accurate and up-to-date at all times. Stay in control of your studio management with Audit Logs for Calendar Settings in Enrollio.