WhatsApp now supports sending Media templates, including Images, Videos, Documents, and Location. This new feature allows you to elevate your marketing campaigns and engage with your students more effectively by incorporating rich media content into your communications.
Key Features
🌆 Images: Showcase beautiful photos of your dance studio, instructors, or performances to capture the attention of your students.
🎬 Videos: Engage your audience with captivating videos of dance routines, behind-the-scenes footage, or special announcements.
📄 Documents: Share important PDF files such as class schedules, registration forms, or guidelines seamlessly with your students.
📍 Location: Provide easy-to-follow directions to your dance studio or highlight a special event location to generate excitement among your students.
How to Use WhatsApp Media Templates on Enrollio:
1. Go to your Enrollio dashboard and navigate to Settings > WhatsApp.

2. Select Templates and then click on Create Template.

3. Enter the Template Name, choose the Template Category and Language.
4. Select the type of media you want to include (Image, Video, Document, Location) and upload your media content.
5. Write the Template Body with the necessary information.
6. Click on Create to send the template for approval.

Sending WhatsApp Media Templates:
Bulk Action: Send WhatsApp Media Templates to multiple students at once for promotions, announcements, or event invitations.
Workflows: Automate the sending of WhatsApp Media Templates based on specific triggers or actions.
Conversation Page: Send personalized WhatsApp Media Templates to individual students for a more tailored communication experience.
Enhance your dance studio's marketing campaigns and communication strategies with WhatsApp Media Templates on Enrollio! Start engaging with your students in a more impactful way today.