Enrollio Email: SSL Certificate for Dedicated Sending Domain

The process to successfully send email links

When sending out email links from a custom domain in Enrollio email, it's essential to ensure you have generated an SSL certificate by verifying the domain beforehand. Failure to do so will result in a broken link when a recipient tries to open it.

In this article we will explain the process to successfully send email links:

*NOTE: You will need to ensure you follow these steps for any link whatsoever when using Enrollio email or it will result in broken links.

We support enabling the HTTPS protocol on open, click, and tracking URLs. We utilize Let’s Encrypt with HTTP-01 challenges via your existing tracking CNAME record to issue a TLS certificate.

By default, when a domain is created and verified, an SSL certificate will be issued. 

There are three statuses in SSL:

1. SSL Issued: SSL certificate was successfully issued to your domain

2. SSL Pending: Generate SSL certificate was in progress and not issued

What should you do now?

Verify the domain again by following the steps:

  • Click the "Verify Now" > you will be redirected to the domain DNS page

  • Verify that all your records are verified

  • Hit the "Verify domain" button to issue an SSL certificate.

3. SSL Unknown: SSL was not generated and not issued.

What should you do now?

Verify the domain again by following the steps:

  • Click the "Verify Now" > You will be redirected to the domain DNS page

  • Verify that all your records are verified

  • Hit the "Verify domain" button to issue an SSL certificate.

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