Bulk Import and Export of Multiple Phone Numbers for Contacts

This guide will help you navigate the process seamlessly.

Managing multiple phone numbers for each contact has become more intuitive with the 'Additional Phones' feature. Whether you're importing new contact data or exporting your existing list, this guide will help you navigate the process seamlessly.

How to Import Contacts with Multiple Phone Numbers


  • Go to Contacts.

  • Click on the Import Contacts icon.

Uploading Your File

  • A window will emerge where you can upload a .csv file (maximum size: 50MB).

  • After uploading, press Next.

Map Your Fields

  1. The ensuing page lets you align the .csv file fields with system fields.

  2. Spot the system field labeled "Additional Phones". Use this to map your secondary and other additional numbers.

  3. When importing multiple numbers, ensure they're separated by commas ",", slashes "/", or semicolons ";" in a single column.

  4. Map them to the Additional Phones field.

  5. Confirm your field mapping choices. If desired, opt out of importing data from unmatched columns.

  6. Press Next to continue.

Finalize Import Settings

  • Assign a name to your import and determine if you'd like to generate a smart list from it.

  • Using the Advanced dropdown, select how you wish to manage contact records: (add new, update existing, or both).

  • Determine primary and secondary methods to recognize existing contacts.

  • If desired, attach tags or integrate new contacts into a specific workflow/campaign.

  • Click Submit to commence the import.

Important Considerations During Import

  • The system ascertains contact uniqueness based on both primary and additional phone numbers.

  • If there are duplicate matches for additional phone numbers, the duplicate number will be excluded.

  • Invalid numbers within the Additional Phones field will be removed, preserving only the valid ones.

  • Should the primary phone field in the CSV be blank, but additional numbers are present, the first additional number becomes the primary.

  • Updates to contacts will amalgamate the new phone numbers with existing data.

  • The Additional Phones field can hold up to 10 numbers, using only the first 10 if exceeded.

How to Export Contacts with Multiple Phone Numbers

Initiating the Export

  • Navigate to the Contact Export section.

  • If the phone option in the smartlist column is selected, "Additional Phones" will be automatically included in the exported CSV.

Exporting Details

  • The Additional Phones column will contain all secondary numbers separated by commas (,).

The 'Additional Phones' feature optimizes how users manage vast amounts of data. It grants users the power to manage multiple phone numbers with precision and efficiency. Whether you're bulk importing or exporting, the process ensures precise and comprehensive management of contact information.

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