Partial Fulfilment for Orders in Enrollio

Partially fulfill orders manually

Allows you to partially fulfill orders manually on the platform. This feature is designed to streamline the process of managing orders and providing users with tracking details for partially fulfilled items. Below are some steps on how you can utilize this feature and the benefits it brings:

Steps to Partially Fulfill an Item in an Order:

1. Navigate to Payments > Orders in your Enrollio dashboard.

2. Select the order you wish to partially fulfill and click on 'View Order'.

3. In the order details page, navigate to 'Fulfil items.'

4. Choose the quantity of each item that needs to be fulfilled in the order.

5. Add tracking details such as Tracking Number, Shipping Carrier, and Tracking URL.

6. Opt to notify users regarding their shipment details via email.

7. Save the changes.

With the new partial fulfillment feature in Enrollio, you can simplify their order management process and provide a better experience for their users. Try out this feature today and streamline your order fulfillment process!

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