How to Connect Sawyer Tools to Enrollio

Connect Sawyer Tools to automatically add your students to Enrollio


We are using Zapier to integrate Sawyer Tools into Enrollio. Currently, Zapier integration is only available for The Scale Plan in Sawyer Tools. We recommend that you upgrade your plan if you are not currently in The Scale Plan or use Enrollio to manage your studio for no added costs

Step 1 Accessing Zapier

Login to Enrollio and hover over Services on the menu then click Access Enrollio Zap. If you have not created a Zapier account yet you can sign up for a free account.

Step 2 Creating New Zap

Inside Zapier, click on Create to start a new Zap.

Step 3 Select the Trigger

Click on Trigger.

On the pop-up select Sawyer Tools

Step 4 Choose the event that will trigger the automation

Choose the event that will trigger the automation. Select New Client: this means that whenever a new client is created in Sawyer Tools, this will trigger the automation. Click continue below.

Step 5 Connecting Sawyer Tools

Click Sign In to connect Sawyer Tools.

Login your Sawyer Tools account. Click continue.

On the Test Tab click on Test Trigger. This will pull the most recent information from Sawyer Tools. If it pulls more than one record, select one record that you would like to use for the test then click on Continue with selected records.

Step 6 Adding action

Click on Action. From the pop-up select Lead Connector.

Step 7 Choose the event for the action

Choose the action that will be sent to Enrollio. Add/Update Contact: this means that if the contact is already in Enrollio it will update the contact information. If the contact is not yet in Enrollio it will add a new contact. Click continue below.

** Please note that the contact update prioritizes email addresses so, if a new sign-up uses the same email address, that contact will be updated if they are already in Enrollio with the new information.

Step 8 Connecting Enrollio

Click Sign In to connect Enrollio.

The pop-up will ask for your API key.

Go back to Enrollio and click on Settings>Business Profile. Scroll down a bit and look for API Key. Click on the clipboard icon to copy the API Key then go back to Zapier.

Paste the API key from Enrollio then click Yes, Continue to LeadConnector then click on Continue below.

Step 9 Fill out the contact fields

Fill out the fields that you want to import from Sawyer Tools to Enrollio. When you click on the text box, it will show a dropdown of information that was pulled from Sawyer Tools. You can type in information but note that whatever you type in will be the same for all contacts.

Step 10 Test the New Zap

Test the zap to make sure everything is connected properly and that all information will be added in Enrollio. Go back to Enrollio and check if the information is added properly, and make some adjustments if necessary then retest the zap. Once you're happy with the connection you can hit Publish.

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