You can now easily connect your Facebook Page to streamline your marketing efforts. Here's how to get started:
1. Navigate to Marketing and click on Social Planner.
2. Go to Settings within the Social Planner.

3. Connect your Facebook Page to Enrollio.

If you encounter an issue where the page doesn't have adequate permissions, don't worry! This could be due to the third-party app, LeadConnector, not having access to your page or if you have access from the business manager side.
🎉 With the new upgrade, users with business manager access will now be able to seamlessly connect their Facebook Page to Enrollio! 🙌
For dance studio owners looking for alternative options following Facebook's changes to the Group API, we recommend utilizing Enrollio's Communities feature. This feature functions similarly to Facebook Groups and allows you to engage with your students and staff easily. Our Social Planner team is also working on expanding this feature to better suit your needs!
By utilizing Enrollio's Social Planner and Communities feature, dance studio owners can effectively manage their social media presence and engage with their community, all within the Enrollio platform. Get started today and elevate your studio's marketing efforts! 🌟