Set Up an Online Store

E-commerce Functionality Update

We now have e-commerce functionality for your studio. You can sell merchandise through Enrollio.

Before you could do this within the funnel, but now it looks a lot more like a Shopify or e-commerce website where they can come in and they can add products to their cart and payment is through stripe.

Add products:


or click the "cart" icon:

Check out page:

Here they can apply coupon code if you have created those.

All of these products are created withing the "Payments" tab of Enrollio just adding those products there where you can also track inventory.

In here we have the different options that we have created for our online store.

Click Edit:

Edit product page:


You can also track inventory:

Select the quantity and then every time someone orders that, they'll be reduce that quantity.

Online Store Help Article

We have full help article breaking everything down and getting that set up and so what's really cool too is a lot of times, parents and families will pick up the merchandise that they order at the studio but in some cases you might be shipping it out to them so you'll be paste the tracking information which will be done on a third party platform (check out our help article for full details)

If you have nay questions, we are here for you ready to assist and answer questions.

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