You can now have a custom dashboard for your studio. You can have all the metrics that re relevant for your studio that you want to have in view when you log in.
This is a huge update being able to move these around.
You can add the following:
Embed iFrame(YouTube)
Google sheets
External 3rd party software

Check out the help library as this are all the things that you can have on your dashboard with real example that are applicable to your studio and then you can request exactly which dashboard in order you would like.

Dashboard Widget Specification #1: Would be on the top left
Dashboard Widget Specification #2 or #3: Depending on the size would be on the top right
The rest follows...
Indicate exactly what you want, submit the from.

If there's anything you want us to modify it at anytime, just let us know.
There's no charge to this. Just another way we're trying to bring value and so what's great about this is once we added all your things/request you can let us know exactly how you want to customize the view of your dashboard.
In time, we might roll this out so anyone can edit their own dashboard.