View Conversations

Managing Conversations Across Platforms

The conversation tab is where you can manage all your conversations across platforms. You can also do this with our mobile app. So if there are unread messages, it will show up in this page.

You can also click conversations or the green conversation inbox button and it will take you to the conversation.

Under Recents, you will see all your recent items.;

You can sort items and be able to sort filter based on direction, inbound and outbound channel

You can filter by:


  • My Chat

  • Assigned to (User)

  • Unassigned

Las Message Direction:

  • Inbound

  • Outbound

Last Outbound Message:

  • Manual

  • Automated

Last Message Channel:

  • Email

  • SMS

  • Google my Business

  • LiveChat

On the Right side of the screen, you will see the DND option(DO NOT DISTURB)

If you toggle "DND ALL", all channels will be toggled on, meaning that if you do any sort of automation or you try to message them, you won't be able to.

If you want to block them from texting or calling you, perhaps a spam outreach, you can toggle "DND Incoming".

You can also modify all information by clicking the 3 dots and choose edit.

Quickly book trial or make up classes.

Update opportunities for this specific contact.

You can also click the Icon and it'll move you the the full contact card.

On the right hand side of the full contact card you will have the following:

  • Activity:

  • Task: Create task

  • Notes: Creating notes for the team

  • Appointment: Create notes trial

  • Document: Any documents that they/customer has uploaded

  • Payments: All payments that have happened for this account will show up

If there are certain channels you don't want to feed into here, go to automations and search for "New FB Message - Mark as Read". This automation will automatically do "Mark as Read".

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