Inside of your settings, under the custom field tab, you have the option to create your own custom fields to really customize Enrollio for your studio.

If we search for Students you'll see there's a lot of custom fields here pertaining to the student.

This is what we discussed on a previous article is the query key ({{contact.child_first_name}}) is very important to student "firstname" and "lastname" as is.
Do not modify these at all (at least the query keys) because these will populate the student into the next available slot of student1 2 or 3 or in some cases student4 or 5. So you can add additional students.
You can add these fields which you can use within each individual contact.

(Image on top shows "query key)
You can have/add folders that you can customize, rearrange or delete if you think you don't need it.

This goes as well with the fields. You have the option to delete fields that you don't need, customize them or rename.

The other thing that you can do is you can create an opportunity.
Go to "Add Fields" >>

Let's use "Radio Select":

Fill out:
Object : (lets choose opportunity)
Option Name: New Family/Existing Family
If we go now to "Opportunities">>

Click the contact card + opportunity details>>

You will see on the image above the custom field "Family Status" is now added.
We can customize the pipeline and the opportunities with those custom fields.
There are 2 benefits:
You can build out custom fields that are customizable within the contact
You can build out custom fields that are customizable in the pipeline
This is really a great tool to allow the customization for each individual studio. You can organize and move them into different folders (move to group means move to a folder) and keep everything nice and organize.
Going back to the workflow card>>

On the left hand side, you will see all the pre-built custom fields.

All the information is customizable for your studio. All the information that you would want to see for a contact then you can add those details within the custom fields section