Google Review Automation

Setting up Google Review Automation

In this article we are going to walk you through setting up your Google Review Automation which can also be used for YELP and Facebook review or any other review platform.

  1. Go to Site and Funnels >>

  1. Look for the " Review Request" funnel >>

Note: This just one page that you can share with your families, and it is build on a subdomain. You have a subdomain like reviews.(your-domain).com

Grab the link to preview the page:

Here, it will show the links that they can go and review and an option on "how we can improve?"

Your team will be notified once submitted.

Special note: We have found that anytime someone is upset or they leave a bad review, that if we contact them that usually resolves in our favor.

To edit the funnel:

  1. Click Edit >>

Here, you can edit your photo. Just click on the photo and upload your own to the Google Cloud Media Folder.

The link are automatically set up.

But if you wan tot change them or add another, one way you can do is clone it. (see image below)

Then upload the image of which ever link you want to add here. (eg. YELP review icon)

If you want to modify the SEO Details:

Under Content:

Under Keyword:

Under Author:

Under Social Image:

Under Link & Tags and Languages:


In our "Help Library". we have article on how to configure a subdomain as well as the various instructions for the different platforms.

You need to add CNAME Record.

We have the reviews:

Name: Review

Content: (This will be provided for you)

Proxy: Disabled

TTL: 1 hour (if its an option)

Go to settings>>

Click on Add>>

Note: the domain would be reviews.(yourdomain).com

Once everything is set up and you have that review page set up properly, then you go into automations and search for " Review gate 21 day check-in"

When an "enrolled" tag is added, it's going to set a 21 day wait timer:

It will send a text message checking in with them:

You can also add an optional wait step where you're going to wait for a positive reply. (This is after SMS action)

  • Action Name: Wait

  • Wait for: Contact Reply

  • Reply to: SMS (Tag)

  • Time out: 1 day

Add if/else branch (right after wait action):

  • Action Name: Is it Positive?:

  • Branch: Yes

  • Condition: Contact Replied> intent type> is > Positive/Yes

Note: We strongly recommend to make it as personal as possible. You can have the if/else branch and then send them the direct link to review if its positive reply.

When that is all set up, go to "Conversation":


Google Review - Send Request:

You can edit the template:

Grab and paste the link:

In the Conversations, you'll be able to use that template.

Go to Recent:

At the bottom of the page, hit the highlighted icon [insert template(snippet)]:

Then choose the template:

This can be use in mobile as well. It will sends them the revie link and hopefully they leave a review on google.

This should get you a lot more reviews, setting up that automated process where you check in with them and get a positive response and send that link over to them for a review.

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