Automation Overview

Workflow Automation Overview

In your automation tab, we have pre-built workflow for you inside of the folders.

We also have full help library:


And if you search for automations, you will see a folder with all of the different options for workflow actions.

You can create your own folder to organize the automations or delete the automations as you go.

You could also:

  • Edit Workflow

  • Open in new tab

  • Draft Workflow

  • Move to folder

  • Duplicate Workflow

  • Copy to sub-account

  • Delete workflow

We would always check to see if the number in Total Enrolled is above zero (0) it means that it is being utilized and make sure that it is safe to delete that automation (see image below)

Quick example of automation that we can use is:

Under Form & Submissions folder >> Website Birthday Form Submit:

This is an example of automation for when a form is submitted.

So the automations work where a trigger fires, an event happens and the following things happen as a result:

  • Sends Data to Facebook

  • Send "Internal Notification" via email is sent to your team:

  • Add Contact Tag:

  • Create Opportunity on the sales pipeline:

  • A wait timer:

  • Send a text message for notification that you have received the form.


  • Allow Re-entry: This is where you indicate if want people to re-enter that workflow more that once:

Just toggle the "Allow re-entry" button

  • Stop on response: When they respond to an email or text, it will remove them from the workflow.

In the Workflow builder, you will also have "Stats View"

As they go through different steps like email and text, you will be able to see the percentage of rates for each of the steps.


You can specify a window of time.

This is really important if you are sending emails, any sort of text messages. Set to local time, what days you want the automation to fire.

Execution logs>>

This is where you're going to see if somebody is going through automation and you're unsure why they went down a specific step or perhaps it failed, then you can view the details on why it failed.

They can check the "Details" by:

You can also search by:

  • Days

  • Actions

  • Status

  • Contact

(sample automation - SMS inbound- after hours auto reply)

When a customer replies>>

it will go through our first if/else branch. This will ask if they received after hours text in the last 24 hours.

Branches: "YES" or "NO"

Note: We are using tag to answer this question

If "Yes" then it will end the workflow, but if "No", it will go to the next step of the automation.

The automation will continue until every condition we set is met.

Note: There is another automation like this with title" After Hours Automated SMS Reply. it is much simpler and much cleaner and properly executed which is shown in the image below.

The important thing to know with if-else logic is it's only going to choose the first applicable option.

Note: If you have any question on this automation, please let us know so we can further assist.

We also have the "Class Pipeline" automation:

Example automation under class pipeline is " Stale Opportunity"

  • We have the "Trigger"

  • If they are in pipeline

  • What pipeline stage

  • How many days

In this parameter/condition, we can trigger an automation. Click the "+" sign

Here. you can choose whatever action you need to complete the automation.

We strongly recommend to check the different automation we have made for you. A lot of the automation that are necessary to streamline the process for your studio have been turned on so you don't need to create your own automations though you certainly can and we recommend to learn this.

Note: You can also have multiple triggers within your automation.

For calendar automation, anything that is appointment based or any wait based on an appointment time unless you have specified (image below), it will base off of an appointment trigger.

If you have any questions or need help in building specific automation you can>>

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