Pipelines are an essential feature in Enrollio that streamline and automate various processes within your business workflows. They enable you to create structured sequences of actions that guide leads or customers through predefined steps, ensuring efficient communication and consistent engagement.
How to Access Pipelines.
Opportunity >>

These are the Pipeline available for you to use.

You can customize each pipelines.

You can:
You can also "Add additional Pipelines"

Go back to opportunities >>

Here you will see the pipeline stages and the leads under each stages.

If you click any individual lead, most the the leads coming in here will be added automatically from a workflow. Below shows the "Opportunity Card"

At the bottom left part of the "Opportunity Card" you will see "created by workflow"

If you click on that, it will open up the workflow that created the opportunity which is show in the image below.

In here, we have the option to customize what pipeline do we want them to follow, what is the stage name

You can also edit the fields such as "Opportunity Name", Opportunity Source" and other fields available.

You can also adjust "Lead value". When you signed up on intake for, we asked the average monthly tuition, for this you can go to >> Custom values>> Average new customer value which is shown in the image below.

or if you just want to set a a lead value for each individual lead as shown in the image below.

And for Status>>

Won: if they became students
Lost: if they went somewhere else or changed their mind
Abandoned: It just wasn't a good fit
Allow duplicate opportunity means that they can be on a pipeline more than once.

Note: Why would you have that enabled? Because if a family has multiple students and you want to track each student on the pipeline, you would have that enabled. It really comes down to your preference so if you don't want that, make sure that it is toggled off.
You can edit the details in the workflow card:

Contact Name
Opportunity Details
You can also add task for your team:

You can add Task title, task description and who to assign the task and the task due date.
You can also add note.

Once clicked add notes, it will notate when that note was made and by which member of your team and you can also delete and edit the note.

You can re-arrange the leads on the pipeline which can trigger automations within Enrollio by dragging the workflow/name card.
There's also an option to use filter.

Other filters to apply:

There's also an option to search for name:

And to create a new opportunity:

Once everything is set up, make sure that you have the automation built out under automation and look for "Class Pipeline"

We do have pre-built pipelines for you to utilize.

Stale opportunity automation is really great because what that means is if they're on a specific pipeline stage for so many days, you can trigger automation to make sure that no lead or client is staying in one pipeline for too long.