Website Lead Capture Form

Lead Capture Form Set up

Dance Studio Website Creation: Enrollio's Easy and Affordable Website Building Services.

Website Link:

Note: You have the option to avail the service if you are interested with a one time fee of $300. That comes with free web hosting and we will rebuild your website within Enrollio.

You want to have the lead capture form for any REGISTER button on your website. When they click the register, you're going to have that lead capture form that should have been emailed to you when you signed up.

They should fill this out >>

Once submitted, they are taken over to your enrollment.

If they don't sign up within 2 hours, they will receive a text message(image below).

In this way, you are automatically capturing and following up every website lead that goes to a third party platform.

This is fully set up so you just need to put the form on your website, go in and grab that code you just paste the javascript code onto your website.

To do this, go to> Forms > and look for website lead capture form file

Integrate >>

Copy embed code >>

And we paste the code/iframe onto your existing website as a pop-up

Then it will redirect to your roll-out platform, and the the automation that you can adjust is "lead follow up sequence". (This automation is ready to go for you)

New Lead Follow up Sequence >>

This automation is already set-up and all you need to do is make sure that you've added that email address that we sent you inside of your enrollment platform.

For Jackrabbit, it would be under Online Registration Settings.

Note: every platform is different(this is for jackrabbit)

Paste/add the email that was provided to you.

Note: Make sure to set "Use location email address if available" to "NO", it cannot be set to yes.

Once it is added, you will get all the new enrollment emails and it'll send that data automatically to Enrollio so that you wont have to manually move those leads over.

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