Send an Email or a Newsletter

How to send and Email or Newsletter within Enrollio

In this help article, we are going to walk you through how to send and email or newsletter within Enrollio so you can have all oaf your emails comprised into folders and then you can create a templates as you go.

You can use those template to send email campaigns whether that's a news letter or for new student onboarding as well.

  1. Go to Marketing >>

  1. Choose Email + Templates>>

  1. Choose the email template that you will use (New student welcome email example 1 or 2) >>

  1. Everything is customizable in this page, you can drag and drop things that you wish to utilize.

  1. You can upload all of your content within Enrollio through Google Cloud.

  1. You can also add link to your external website.

  1. Make sure that you have an "unsubscribe link" at the bottom of every email which is a requirement now.

  1. Once ready, you can now save your template.

Sending a Campaign

  1. Go back to Email and choose "Campaign">>

  1. Add "New" or use an existing template >>

  1. Once everything is ready, click "save" >>

You can see other option if you click the 3 dots:

You can send a test email to your self, see the preview of your email campaign, the old/previous version or send an attachment to the email.

  1. Click "Send" >>

The image below shows where you're going to choose the from name of email, subject line.

Enrollio operates as with any bulk sender for email, we are an SMTP service. This means is you're never going to send from info@gmail or

Most email platforms like Google and Microsoft do not allow you to bulk send and that is the purpose of an SMTP.

We have set up a dedicated SMTP for you if you actually go into your email settings:

note: This will you or

This will ensure that your email are going to land in the inbox, and also compliant with the rules for sending emails.

Going back to sending the emails, we have options below:

You can also have the option to add:

If you choose tag:

You can schedule it and then we can say that if anybody gets the tag between now and when send outs, we can choose to add them to this email or not.

Once ready, you can hit send or do a test email to make sure that it is ok for both mobile and desktop view.

Once send, you can go back to the email campaign page and click the 3 dots as shown below to see the statistics.

Click "Load more Statistics" >>

You can toggle to show statistics in numbers:

And you can see who opened, clicked, unsubscribed and others and have that information.

You could also export that information:

This email tool really replace a lot of major ones like Mailgun

We also offer email migration if you have emails set up on other platforms, we offer a migration service where we will migrate your emails into Enrollio.

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