Submit Regulatory Bundle

Regulatory Compliance and A2P10 DLC in Australia

Applies to Australia Studios Only

This is the Australian version of A2P10 DLC ensuring that studios are compliant and permitted to send text messages to your clients and families.

Required Documents

How to Submit Regulatory Compliance within Enrollio

STEP 1: Complete the Address Setup


Phone Numbers>>

Regulatory Bundle/Address>>


Address Bundle>>

Complete the information >>

Submit >>

Address Submitted >>

Now choose "Regulatory Bundle"

STEP 2: Complete the Regulatory Bundle

Note: Choose mobile as you want to be able to text your clients and families

Next >>

Complete the Business Name and hit next >>

Documents are needed for the next step:

  1. Business Name

  2. Business Address

  3. Business ID Number

Click the link:

Get your ABN Document (link posted above). Grab the Document and then you can paste that for all 3 of the "Required Documents" and make sure on step 3(Business ID Number) you type in your ABN document. For step 2, you will be using the address in the previous step.

Once in your ABN account, grab your Record of Registration, which is underlined in blue in the example below ⬇️

Record of Registration Example:

Note: Helpful documents from Twilio:

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