What Are Round Robin Campaigns And How To Use Them
Round Robin Campaigns are useful for businesses with multiple users on their staff. Round Robin Campaigns assign leads to users on a 1:1 basis. This allows all users (often salespeople) to be assigned leads in a fair and unbiased manner.
Step 1: Create multiple users. You need to have multiple users set up within Enrollio in order for them to do a 'round robin' assignment.
Follow the steps below to create multiple users.
Navigate to the Team Management section.
Click +Add Employee.
Fill in the user information.
Repeat the steps for all users.
Note: It is recommended to use the user's unique email and phone number as these are going to be the methods of contact for the leads they are assigned to.
Step 2: Assign multiple users to a campaign. Users must be assigned to a campaign in order to turn it into a Round Robin campaign.
Navigate to Campaigns
Create a new campaign or open an existing campaign.
Click the Campaign Configuration dropdown
Click the Users dropdown and select the appropriate users to assign to the campaign.
NOTE: we recommend leaving the 'from email' and the 'from name' (subfields of From address) within campaign configuration blank as Enrollio will default back to the name and emails you set up for the user (see step 1.). This ensures all emails within the campaign come from the assigned user.
You can use merge fields/custom values to customize emails and SMS, further making them usable for multiple users.