Create a funnel or website page exclusively for your blog

The first step in hosting your blog articles is to create a funnel or website
page exclusively for your blog. Start by designing the page to your liking,
and then add the blog post list element. Customizing this component
allows for all posts to be fed into the page, making it simple for users to
access and read your articles. Plus, you can also create separate pages
for each category of your blog! This not only helps you personalize the
look and feel of your blog, but it also enables you to add your own
domain for a fully branded experience.


Having a dedicated blog page is a great way to showcase your work and
attract more readers. It also helps you organize your content and make it
easier to find for your audience. By adding separate pages for each
category, you can help your readers navigate to the specific topics they
are interested in. Don't forget to optimize your blog page for search
engines by adding relevant keywords and meta descriptions. This will
increase the chances of your content being discovered by potential


Additionally, make sure your blog page is mobile-friendly and easy to
navigate. A clean and simple design can go a long way in keeping your
readers engaged and coming back for more.

Blog post - Show a comprehensive list of all blog articles published.

Category Navigation - Show a comprehensive list of specific blog
articles published within a selected cateogry.


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