You can directly attach taxes to individual products. The taxes attached to a product will automatically populate across any channel where the product is sold like Order Forms, Payment Links, Ecom tores, or invoices,
In Invoices, adding the product will automatically add the attached taxes to that invoice for given product.
You can attach multiple taxes to any products.
Taxes will also apply to recurring products, including subsequent payments happening after the first charge.
Taxes will be calucated on subtotal amount after applying discounts.
Deleting a tax from the Taxes section will remove it from all the products where it was attached.
Tax rate update for a given tax will apply the the updated rate to all the existing products where it is attached
Step 1: Adding Tax
If you have not added taxes yet, simply go to payments and then click on tax settings. Add the tax name and percentage. You can add a description and tax ID number but that's optional then click on add.

Step 2: Attaching tax to products
Select the product you want the tax to be attached to. You can select multiple taxes to attach to products.