Enrollio Customizable Dashboards

Customize your dashboard within Enrollio so that you and your team can view the metrics important for your studio! 

Customize your dashboard within Enrollio so that you and your team can view the metrics important for your studio! 

Choose from any of the following metrics below. 

Contact Count

  • Contacts Counts by Tags - Contacts distribution by tags

    Example: Segment contacts by classes they're interested in, like 'Ballet', 'Hip-Hop', or 'Adult Classes'

  • Contacts Counts by Activity - The number of contacts with activity and activity type

    Example: Monitor engagement by tracking activities like class sign-ups or open house attendance.

  • Contacts Counts by Type - Contacts distribution by type

    Example: Distinguish between new inquiries, current students, and alumni.

  • Contacts by Assigned user - Contacts mapped to the assigned users

    Example: Assign staff members to follow up with specific inquiries or students.

  • Contacts by Company Name - Contacts mapped to different company names

    Example: If working with schools or organizations for group classes, track contacts by entity.

  • Contacts Count Over Time - Count of contacts added over time

    Example: Observe trends in enrollment inquiries over different seasons or marketing campaigns.

  • Contacts Count (Logged in user) - Count of contacts that for logged in user

    Example: Enable staff to see their individual follow-ups and contacts' status.

  • Contacts with email - Count of contacts with email

  • Contacts without email - Count of contacts without email

  • Contacts with phone number - Count of contacts with phone number

  • Contacts without phone number - Count of contacts without phone number

  • Total Contacts Count (till date) - Total number of contacts created till date

    Example: Count current and past students, inquiries and leads

  • Total Contacts Count (this month) - Total number of contacts created this month

    Example: Gauge effectiveness of marketing efforts and overall growth


  • Appointment Count - The number of appointments. Count can be grouped by various criteria.

    Example:Keep track of all appointments including trial classes, rehearsals, and parent meetings.

  • Appointment Count over a date range - The number of appointments in the selected time period.

    Example: Plan for busy periods by viewing appointments scheduled during recital season.

  • Confirmed Appointments Count - The number of confirmed appointments for selected time periods.

    Example: Ensure staff preparedness by knowing the number of confirmed appointments.

  • Showed Appointments Count - The number of showed appointments for selected time periods.

    Example: Analyze the success of trial classes and the conversion rate to regular enrollment.

  • No-Show Appointments Count - The number of no-show appointments for selected time periods.

    Example: Identify patterns in no-shows to improve scheduling and reminders.

  • Cancelled Appointments Count - The number of cancelled appointments for selected time periods.

    Example: Monitor cancellation rates to understand potential issues with scheduling.

  • Appointment Counts by Status - The number of appointments distribution by status.

    Example: Organize appointments by status such as 'Scheduled', 'Completed', or 'Cancelled'.

  • Appointment Counts by Group - The number of appointments mapped to calendar groups.

    Example: Coordinate classes and instructors by grouping appointments by class type.

  • Appointment Comparison by Source - Comparison of the number of appointments coming from different sources.

    Example: Evaluate the effectiveness of different marketing channels for trial class bookings.

  • No-Show Appointment Count Over Time - Count of No-Show appointments over time.

    Example: Track no-show trends to improve booking policies or follow-up procedures.

  • Cancelled Appointment Count Over Time - Count of Cancelled appointments over time

    Example: Understand cancellation trends for better scheduling efficiency.

  • Upcoming Appointments for next week - Total number of upcoming appointments for next week

    Example: Anticipate the upcoming week’s workload and staffing needs.

  • Upcoming Appointment for next week (Logged in user) - Number of upcoming appointments for the logged in user

    Example: Let instructors view their own upcoming teaching schedule.

  • Last Month Created Appointments - Total appointments created in the last month

    Example: Review the previous month’s appointment data for planning and analysis.

  • Last Month Created Appointments (Logged in user) - Total appointments created in the last month for logged-in user

    Example: Allow individual instructors to review their previous month’s activity.


  • Abandoned Opportunity Value - The monetary value of lost opportunities

    Example: Identify potential revenue lost from dropped inquiries or unfulfilled interest.

    Opened Opportunities 
    - The number of opened opportunities

    Example: Track new potential business from inquiries or referrals.

  • Won Opportunities - The number of won opportunities

    Example: Celebrate the success of turning inquiries into enrollments.

  • Lost Opportunities - The number of lost opportunities

    Example: Learn from lost opportunities to improve future engagement and retention.

  • Abandoned Opportunities - The number of abandoned opportunities

    Example: Analyze why potential students did not follow through with enrollment.

  • Opportunity Count - The number of total opportunities

    Example: Keep an overall count of potential, won, and lost business opportunities.

  • Opportunity Counts Over Time - The number of opportunities distributed over a time period

    Example: View trends in opportunities to predict busy enrollment periods.

  • Opportunity Revenue Over Time - The revenue generated by opportunities distributed over time

    Example: Assess the financial health of the studio from month to month.

  • Opportunity Counts by Status - The number of opportunities grouped by status

    Example: Manage the sales pipeline by tracking where each opportunity stands.

  • Opened Opportunity Value - The monetary value of opened opportunities

    Example: Estimate potential revenue from new inquiries.

  • Lost Opportunity Value - The monetary value of lost opportunities

    Example: Understand the financial impact of lost business.

  • Abandoned Opportunity Value - The monetary value of abandoned opportunities

    Example: Gauge the monetary value of interest that didn’t convert.

  • Won Opportunity Value - The monetary value of won opportunities

    Example: Measure the financial success of converting inquiries to enrollments.

  • Total Opportunity Value - The total monetary value of all opportunities

    Example: See the overall potential revenue from all current opportunities.

  • Won Opportunities Value This Month - The total monetary value of won opportunities this month

    Example: Summarize the financial gain from all new enrollments this month.


  • Incoming calls by status - The number of incoming calls grouped by status

    Example: Manage the call queue effectively by knowing the status of all incoming calls.

  • Outgoing calls by status - The number of outgoing calls grouped by status

    Example: Track the results of follow-up calls made to inquiries or current students.

  • Incoming calls total call duration - The total duration of all the incoming calls

    Example: Get a sense of how much time staff spend on the phone with inquiries.

  • Outgoing calls total call duration - The total duration of all the outgoing calls

    Example: Monitor time spent on outbound calls for follow-ups or confirmations.

  • Incoming calls avg. call duration - The average duration of all the incoming calls

    Example: Assess the efficiency of the reception handling inquiries.

  • Outgoing calls avg. call duration - The average duration of all the outgoing call

    Example: Evaluate the effectiveness of follow-up calls.

  • Total calls placed by call attendee - The total outgoing calls done grouped by the user who made the call

    Example: Review call activity by staff to assess productivity.

  • Incoming calls avg. call duration by call attendee - The average duration of all the incoming calls grouped by the attendee

    Example: Understand staff performance in managing incoming calls.

  • Outgoing calls avg. call duration by call attendee - The average duration of all the outgoing calls grouped by the attendee

    Example: Analyze individual staff efficiency on outbound calls.

  • First time call by status - The number of incoming calls received for the first time, grouped by status

    Example: Prioritize follow-up for first-time callers based on their interest level.

  • First time call avg duration - The average duration of incoming calls received for the first time

    Example: Evaluate initial call handling to ensure quality customer service.

  • First time call avg duration by call attendee - The average durations of incoming calls received for the first time, grouped by the attendee

    Example: Train staff based on the average handling time of new inquiries.

  • First time call total duration - The total duration of incoming calls received for the first time

    Example: Understand the time investment required for new potential leads.


  • Opportunity Status - The number of opportunities grouped by status

  • Opportunity Value - The total monetary value of all opportunities distributed by status

  • Conversion Rate - The conversion rate (%) and revenue generated by won opportunities

  • Funnel - The funnel distribution by stages, highlighting conversion rates between stages

  • Stages Distribution - The number of opportunities distributed by stages

  • Tasks - The list view of all the tasks added

  • Lead Source Report - An overview of total leads by source

  • Google Analytics Count - A numeric overview of the Google Analytics report

  • Google Analytics Chart - The number of total views

  • Google Business Profile - A numeric overview of the Google Business Profile

  • Facebook Ads Report - The total clicks, amount spent, Click-Through Rate (CTR), and Cost Per Click (CPC) for Facebook ads

  • Google Ads Report - The total clicks, amount spent, CTR, and CPC for Google ads


  • iFrame - Embed an iFrame into dashboard

    Example: Google Sheets, YouTube Video, Social Feed, Local News, Google Data Studio

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