In this article, I will go through the most frequent issues on Facebook Conversions API and how to troubleshoot them.
Why is the lead data not being pulled?
Make sure that the triggers are an input trigger like:
Form Submission
Survey submission
Appointment Submission (from booking widget)
An Order form
After my lead books an appointment, why is the data not showing?
For appointments, it will only work with the “Customer Booked appointment” trigger, not with “Appointment Status”
Why don't I see test events in Facebook Business Manager?
If you don't see a test conversion, check the Diagnostics tab for any errors. A common issue we've seen is when FB has blocked the domain, so check Settings > Scroll to the bottom to "Domains In Your Allow List," where you can approve the domain.
Why is Facebook reporting the conversion as "Custom Event" when I selected "Lead "?
This happens when you send test data (we're not sure why Facebook does this), but it will show "Lead" when you run a live conversion.
Can I use Custom Values for the Access Token and Pixel Id?
Yes, custom values will work in those fields.