New SMS Ramp-Up Model

SMS Ramp-Up

New SMS Ramp-Up Model

We want to ensure that the messages sent through Enrollio are to consenting parties and follow applicable laws, industry standards, and guidelines. We also want to be mindful of measures of fairness and decency when in doubt.

This Ramp Up Model is being implemented because:

  1. it avoids SMS Spam blasts from fake signups;

  2. it avoids getting accounts blocked due to suspicious activity;

  3. and it avoids legal actions due to increased spamming to non-consenting customers. Only bulk SMS sending will have daily limitations to avoid sub-account suspension due to non-compliant messaging activity.

What is the Ramp Up Model?

These are daily text limits that will increase depending on how many texts you send a day. 

You have to send the maximum number of SMS in the level within 24 hours. It will suspend you for the day but, it will increase your level the next day. 

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