Voicemail Drops require mp3 or wav audio files. This article shows how to properly convert your audio voicemail file to properly utilize Voicemail Drops.
What you will need:
Step 1: Download Audacity
Visit the Audacity website
Initiate the download process – Audacity is available for free.
Step 2: Converting Audio Files
Import Your Audio File into Audacity
Drag and drop your audio file into the Audacity interface.
Adjust Project Sample Rate
Navigate to the Edit dropdown > select Preferences then change the Project Sample rate to 8000 Hz then hit OK
Navigate to Edit dropdown > Preferences.
Change the Project Sample rate to 8000 Hz and click OK.
Tracks → Resample... → 8000 → OK
Exporting the Converted File
File → Export Audio
Select the Export Type (MP3 or WAV)
Name the File in the Save As dialogue box
If converting from MP3 to WAV, choose U-Law Encoding
Save the file