Part One: Where To Upload Voicemail Files
Step 1: Voicemail files (mp3 format) can be set in two different places:
For Users, navigate to Settings > Team Management tab > Edit user > Call & Voicemail Settings
Voicemail For The Business navigate to Settings > Company tab
Understanding Priorities For Voicemail Files:
When a call comes in to a number you’ve set up in Enrollio, our platform will check for a voicemail to play in the following order:
Is there a Voicemail file in the user settings of the user this number is attached to?
Is there a Voicemail file in the Company Settings
Note: If you'd like to set up voicemail for a phone number that forwards to another number, you need to set a "Timeout" timeframe, otherwise the call will ring by default for 60 seconds, during which time the voicemail of the forwarding number will trigger.
Where To Control Timeout Settings:
Timeout time frames can be set in three different places:
1) Settings > Team Management tab > Edit user > Call & Voicemail Settings
2) Settings > Phone Numbers > Click on the Pencil Icon for the Phone Number you are wanting to set this up for.
3)Settings > Company Tab
Understanding Priorities For Timeout Settings:
As a call comes in to your number, by default, it will ring for 60 seconds before looking for a voicemail. This will change with how you set your Time Out timeframe. Our platform will look for timeout timeframes in the following order:
Is a Timeout timeframe set up in the user settings of the user who uses this number?
Is a Timeout timeframe set up in the phone number settings of this number?
Is there a Timeout timeframe set up in the Company settings?
NOTES: If a call comes in to a number and a Timeout timeframe is found but there is no voicemail file in Enrollio, the following default message will be played: "We are unable to take your call right now. Please leave a message after the beep."
Also, Timeout numbers are not "connected" with any particular voicemail file, so if, for example, a call comes in to your number and the platform detects a timeout timeframe set in the User's settings, but you don’t have a voicemail file, however, the platform recognizes a voicemail file in the Company settings, that voicemail file will be played.