Looking to import your contacts from Dance Studio Pro (DSP)? Here's how!
Step 1: Log in to DSP & Go to Students at the top, as shown below:

Step 2: Select Student Actions and then select "Send Selected Students To" from the drop-down.

Step 3: Select the information you want to export from DSP to import into Enrollio

Step 4: Open in Google Sheets (not Numbers as this can cause issue) and do some minor reformatting.
Reorganize your column headers like so (shown below). If a family has multiple kids enrolled, use student 2, student 3, etc.

Consolidate class tags into one row per family with a comma separator. So if student 1 is in ballet 1 and student 2 (of same family) is in ballet 2, consolidate into one column under "Class Tags" with "ballet 1,ballet 2" and those tags will be added to that family's contact profile within Enrollio.
You can use the google sheet free plugin "Power Tools" to assist with some of this.
Once the spreadsheet has been properly formatted, export as a CSV file and import into Enrollio!
If you have any questions please contact our support team for assistance!