Additional Phone Numbers per Contact

Add and manage multiple phone numbers for a single contact.

Additional Phone Numbers per Contact

Managing contact information in the digital age requires accommodating the reality that individuals often have multiple phone numbers, each serving a different purpose. Recognizing this need, Enrollio provides the feature to add and manage multiple phone numbers for a single contact. This guide offers a detailed walkthrough of this existing feature and its functionalities.

Benefits of Multiple Phone Numbers for Contacts

  • Flexibility in Managing Contact Information: Users can add up to 11 phone numbers for a single contact, ensuring that all necessary numbers are captured.

  • Convenient Management and Editing: The contact details page has been designed for easy and streamlined management and editing of phone numbers.

  • Consistency in Communication: By designating a primary phone number, users can ensure that they're always reaching out to the most appropriate or preferred number.

  • Easy Identification with Labels: Labels such as Home, Landline, Mobile, or Work allow users to quickly identify the type of each phone number.

Step-by-Step Guide on Using Multiple Phone Numbers for Contacts

Adding Multiple Phone Numbers:

  • Navigate to the 'Contacts' tab.

  • Click on a specific contact.

  • Find the number field and click on the pencil icon that appears in the field.

  • A modal window will pop up, allowing for the input of multiple phone numbers.

  • Use the dropdown menu to select from the available labels: Home, Landline, Mobile, and Work. Note that each label can be selected only once per contact.

  • After adding, select the number you wish to mark as primary by clicking on the radio button next to it.

Calling an Additional Phone Number:

  • Navigate to the contact details.

  • Choose the phone number you wish to call as primary and save.

Designating a Primary Phone Number:

  • On the contact details page, after adding your desired phone numbers, click on the radio button next to the phone number you want to set as primary.

  • This primary number will then serve as the default for all contact actions and interactions.

Enrollio's 'Multiple Phone Numbers for a Contact' feature offers users an organized, efficient, and streamlined method of managing contacts. With clear labels, intuitive management tools, and the ability to designate a primary number, managing multiple phone numbers has become a seamless experience.

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