Creating a group in Enrollio is one way you can organize users and conveniently manage a collective calendar. Group Calendars are often useful when you have multiple users that operate within the same appointment type. There are many use cases for Group Calendars, such as having multiple sales representatives, appointment setters, or admins, etc. Follow these steps to learn how to use Groups in Calendars.
Step 1: Set up a Group
Navigate to Settings > Calendars
Click “+ Add Group” and label the group name, description and slug
Save to confirm your changes
Step 2: Add Users To The Group Calendar
Click +”New Calendar” to create a new calendar, or click Edit to update an existing calendar
In the popup, under section 1 - Team and Event Setup - navigate to “+Add User”
Add one or multiple users, and set their priority for distribution (this is how you can set up a ‘round robin’).
Step 3: Assign Users Within the Group Calendar
In the calendar setup popup window, navigate to Tab 3 - Confirmation
Select the assigned options by checking the appropriate boxes.
NOTE: You can check out our other tutorials for detailed walkthroughs on calendar set-up for detailed assistance with the configuration and settings.