Collective booking enables attendees to arrange meetings with multiple team members at once. This type of calendar allows multiple users to share a common calendar. When someone wants to schedule an appointment with team members, they can see available time slots based on the combined availability of all the team members in the collective booking calendar.
Ideal for scheduling:
Dynamic sales call with an executive and an SDR
Technical support call with a customer support representative and an engineer
Insightful interview with a recruiter and a hiring manager
Step 1: Creating your Collective Booking Calendar
Go to Calendars > Calendar Settings
Click on “Create Calendar”
Select “Collective Booking”
Step 2: Add the mandatory details for this calendar:
Calendar Name
Select Team members (A minimum of 2 team members are required for a Collective Calendar)
Custom URL
Meeting Location - This is not mandatory but recommended. In case no meeting location is added then the Custom Meeting location for the primary owner would be taken as default. The Collective Booking Calendar supports integration with Zoom and Google Meet. Users can specify Zoom or Google Meet links as the meeting location, ensuring a streamlined experience for virtual appointments.
You can click on "Confirm" and your Collective Calendar will be created
Note: To customize the Calendar Settings you can either click on “Advanced settings" or once the calendar creation is done, you can click on Edit Calendar which would take you to the advanced settings
Step 3: Choose the Primary Owner
A primary owner in Collective booking would be that team member who would be the lead for the appointment. The primary owner would also be the Appointment owner, and if the contact assignment is enabled then the contact would get assigned to the primary owner.
By default the first team member added to the collective booking would be made the primary owner and the primary owner in the Collective booking cannot be deleted.
Change Primary Owner
To change the Primary owner:
Go to Advanced Settings/Edit Calendar > Meeting Details
You will see the option "Make owner" against all the team members who are not currently Primary owner
Click on "Make owner" against the team member whom you want to make Primary Owner
The owner would change as shown below and would be indicated with the "Owner" label next to them
All the team members would be notified once a contact books an appointment. The content for the appointment notification remains the same and has no change. The contact would also be announced in the same manner as it's done for the existing calendars with no change in the content for it.
Payments would continue to work for Collective Booking if they are enabled for the Calendar, where the user would have to make the payment first, and once the payment is confirmed only then the appointment would be booked.
How many team members can I add to a single collective booking calendar
You can add up to 100 team members in a collective calendar, although please remember more the team members lesser the chances of finding available slots across all of them
Would payments work in Collective booking?
Yes, payments would work for Collective Booking
Can I use collective booking for virtual appointments?
Collective booking can be used for both virtual and physical appointments, please ensure to add the correct details in the Meeting location field
Can I remove a team member from an existing collective booking calendar?
Yes, you can remove any team member from the collective booking calendar except for the Primary owner. In case the team member you want to remove is a Primary owner, change the ownership from that user and then you would be able to remove the team member
I have changed the primary owner of the collective booking calendar, but for the existing appointment, I still see the old primary owner, why?
The details of the booked appointment would reflect based on the Calendar settings which were there when the appointment was booked. Any appointment booked after the changes were made would start reflecting the new changes.
Is there a way I can change the Primary owner for an already-created appointment?
No, there is no way for users to change the details of an already booked collective appointment.
Can I edit/reschedule a booked collective appointment?
Yes, you would be able to edit the details of the collective booking appointment, however, you would not be able to change the team member details for the booked appointment.