Having an RSS feed for your blog can be extremely beneficial for your readers. By subscribing to your RSS feed, they can receive updates on your latest blog posts without having to constantly check your site. This can help increase your blog's readership and engagement.
To find your blog's RSS posting link, simply navigate to your blog settings. Once you have located it, you can customize the settings to your liking. For example, you may choose to load the entire article in the RSS feed or just a summary. You may also choose how many articles to pull in.
By customizing your RSS feed settings, you can ensure that your readers are receiving the content they want in the format they prefer. So take the time to set up your RSS feed and watch your readership grow!
RSS Link - A dynamic link that pulls the most recently published articles from a blog.
Load Full Content - Enable this checkbox to load the entire article into the RSS feed, please do this with a small number of posts so you don’t overload the reader.
# of Posts - Enter the number of posts that will load into the RSS feed. The system will pull that number of newly published articles.