How to Create a Certificate For Your Membership Course

Membership certificates are a great way to acknowledge user accomplishments for courses. You can now create a certificate for all your users who complete the course. 

Membership certificates are a great way to acknowledge user accomplishments for courses. You can now create a certificate for all your users who complete the course. 

Build Certificates

  • Go to Memberships > Certificates

  • Click on Blank Certificate

  • If creating your own, use the drag-and-drop feature to build it.  Here are the elements you can use:

  • Layout:

    • To choose a layout, click on Layout, and choose between Portrait or Landscape

    • Once selected, you can choose frames for both the layouts, respectively

    • To remove a frame, click on the same frame again (from the right bar)

    • Note: Changing the layout from Portrait to Landscape or vice-versa, will disrupt the edits

  • Background:

    • To choose a background, click on Background

    • Choose the colours

    • Upload an image as a background or enter image links to upload

    • Choose the opacity of the background image or color by using the opacity slider

    • To choose a pattern as the background image, click on Patterns, choose a pattern, and color.

  • Header

    • To add a header, drag and drop the Header element to your template and start editing the text after selection

    • Elements can be cloned or deleted by clicking on the copy and delete icons

    • Choose Font Styles, Font Size, Font Type (Heading 1, Heading 2, etc ...), Font Colour, etc. from the top bar after selecting a text

    • To resize, move the blue dots of the text box

  • Text

    • To add a text, drag and drop the Text element to your template and start editing the text after selection

    • Elements can be cloned or deleted by clicking on the copy and delete icons

    • Choose Font Styles, Font Size, Font Type (Headings, Paragraphs, etc..), Font Colour, etc. from the top bar after selecting a text

    • To resize, move the blue dots of the text box

  • Image

    • To add an image, drag and drop the Image element to your template 

    • Upload an image or add the image link to upload

    • Choose the opacity of the background image by using the opacity slider

    • To resize, move the blue dots of the box

  • Badge

    • To add a badge, drag and drop the Badge element to your template 

    • Choose a badge from the options by clicking on it

    • To resize, move the blue dots of the box

  • Signatures

  • To add a signature, drag and drop the Signature element to your template 

  • Choose a badge from the options by clicking on it

  • Choose the signature styles after selecting the signature

  • To resize, move the blue dots of the box

Use an Existing Template

You also have the option to use our premade template certificates. 

  • Go to Memberships, then to Certificates

  • Click on New

  • Click on Certificate Templates if you wish to use the already premade certificates we have 

Share the Certificate

  • Certificates can be issued to course learners by attaching them to a course 

    • Go to Courses - the Product you want to share the certificate - Certificates

  • Click on Attach Certificate and select your certificate

  • Once the course is complete, the certificate will be sent via email with links to access and share their certificates, which can be further downloaded as a PDF.

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