If you have a Google Voice number and want to forward calls to your Enrollio number, follow these steps:
Step 1: Access Your Google Voice Settings
Log into Google Voice (https://voice.google.com).
Click the gear icon in the top-right corner to open Settings.
Step 2: Add Your Enrollio Phone Number
Scroll down to the "Calls" section.
Find "Call Forwarding", then click "Add a linked number".
Enter your Enrollio phone number and click Send Code.
Google will call or text the number with a verification code.
Answer the call or check your messages in Enrollio, then enter the code in Google Voice.
Step 3: Enable Call Forwarding
Once your Enrollio number is verified, toggle the switch to enable call forwarding.
Now, all calls made to your Google Voice number will ring through to Enrollio!
Important Notes:
Forwarding Applies to Calls Only – Google Voice does not forward SMS messages, so texts sent to your Google Voice number will not appear in Enrollio.
Caller ID Differences – When a call is forwarded, Google Voice may display its own number instead of the caller’s actual number.
Voicemail Handling – If both Google Voice and Enrollio have voicemail enabled, one system will capture the voicemail first. You may want to disable voicemail in Google Voice if you prefer using Enrollio’s voicemail features.
Let us know if you have any questions or need assistance setting this up!