You can now receive notifications for the following:
Account Expired - Social Accounts whose tokens have expired
Account PreExpiry - Social Accounts like Facebook pages have expiry of 90 days, before 90 - around 80th day user to get notified to refresh the token
Request for Approval - Social Post which is scheduled for approval, requesting the user to approve the scheduled post.
Post Approved update to Creator - Notifying the creator of the post if the scheduled post was approved
Post Rejected update to Creator - Notifying the creator of the post if the scheduled post was rejected
Post Failed - Notifying the users selected about the scheduled post has failed
To customize notification templates, navigate to Emails > Template > New > Template Library.
From the template library, you can easily edit system templates according to your preferences.

How It Works:
To set up email notifications, simply go to Marketing > Social Planner in your Enrollio dashboard. You will find the Settings option next to the Create New Post button. From there, you can enable or disable email notifications as needed.

Why it Matters:
These email notification updates are crucial for users of Social Planner on Enrollio. By staying informed about account expirations, post approvals, rejections, and failures, you can ensure that your social media content is always on point and avoid any publishing mishaps.