How to Add Headers to Email Channels.

How to add the default headers to email channels.

This article will show you how to configure email services and set up the sender name and email for all outgoing emails.

Adding headers to email channels is a simple yet effective way to enhance your brand presence, improve recognition, build trust, and provide valuable information to recipients

  1. Go to Settings > Email Services > click Dedicated Domain And IP

  2. Click the three (3) dot icon > Set Headers

    1. Set From Name and From Email then click Save

    After you create this, it will become the standard header and email that will show up on all the emails you send.

  1. Click Domain Configuration

  • Workflow Domain: All emails from workflow will have the default header.

  • One - One Conversation Domain: All single or manual email being sent to a contact.

  • Campaign Domain (except test campaign): Once you send out an Email Campaign.

  • Bulk Email Domain: Once you send out a Bulk Email.

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