2-way Email Sync for Outlook
With Outlook 2 way sync, you can use your personal Outlook account with Enrollio to send and receive emails.
Please Note: You would need to send an email to a contact from Enrollio to initiate the sync between both platforms. The first outbound email needs to be initiated from Enrollio to establish the sync
All subsequent messages in the email thread (initiated from Enrollio) will be in sync. Outbound emails sent from your email will start reflecting in Enrollio and vice versa.
Setting Up Enrollio
Step 1: Navigate to Settings>Profile
Navigate to Email (2-way sync)
Click on Outlook using the radio button
Select “Connect”
Step 2: Sign in to Outlook and grant associated permissions.
Update Email: This helps users change their connected email ID to another one without disconnecting the previous connection.
How Two-way sync works with individual emails, bulk emails, and workflows
Outlook 2-way sync is a user level provider.
How the sender domain mapping works for different types of emails:
Individual Email: On connecting a personal email account (Outlook), the outlook email ID will be considered as the sending domain for the emails sent by the user for individual emails.
Bulk Email: If the user enters their email ID (after setting up the two-way sync) under the “From Field,” the user email ID will be considered the sender domain for the bulk emails. If the field is blank, the account level provider will be considered the sending domain.
Bulk Email: If the user enters an email ID different from their Outlook email, it will consider the account level provider as the sender domain.
Workflow & Automation: Emails will continue to go from account level providers.
Please Note: An email thread initiated from your email will not sync with Enrollio.
Please Note: If the sync is disconnected, the subsequent messages in the thread will stop syncing. This will also stop syncing new outbound emails sent from Enrollio.
Please Note: Attachments of up to 3 MB size work across this sync, any attachments larger than this size will cause the message to not sync over.
Congratulations! You can now use your personal Outlook email account within Enrollio for sending and receiving emails.