If you are using dynamic number swapping or call tracking (using a number pool), you may want to be able to determine if a lead found its way to you via an organic social media search, a paid Google ad, or another source. Within a Workflow, you can use several different contact attribution variables for both first and last attribution to customize your Workflow actions.
There are many ways you can take advantage of this feature. In this article, we’ll show you how to use an incoming call with contact attribution to determine how the contact came into your list and what you want to do with that information.
Step 1: Create The Workflow Trigger
Set up a Workflow Trigger as Call Status and filter by Call Direction and “Incoming Call.”
Save the Trigger.
Step 2: Add a Workflow Action for the If/Else Condition
Choose the Contact’s first or last attribution (how they originally or most recently engaged with your business). Add “Is > Paid Search”
NOTE: There are several options to choose from for “Contact First Attribution” and “Contact Last Attribution”. Be sure to scroll down through them all to find the best option for your specific situation.
Save the condition.
Step 3: Add a Google Adwords Action
Under the “Yes” path (meaning it IS from a Google ad), you can add to Google Adwords for reporting purposes.
Add any additional actions for both paths and save your Workflow.
Toggle it from Draft to Published mode in order for it to function.