List of Workflow Actions

List of workflow actions

In this article, you will learn the list of workflow actions that are available for you to choose from. 

Step 1: How to Add an Action

  • Add an action by clicking on the “+” icon 

Categories and List of Workflow Actions:


Update Contact Field: Update a field in the contact record

Add Contact Tag: Adds specified tags to the contact

Remove Contact Tag: Removes specified tags from the contact

Assign To User: Assigns the contact to a user. Specify the user or add multiple for round-robin assignment

Remove Assigned User: Removes any assigned users leaving the contact unassigned

Edit Conversation: Mark the Conversation as Read/Unread and Archive/Unarchive it

Enable/Disable DND: Activate do-not-disturb for the contact

Add To Notes: Adds a Note to the Contact Record

Add Task: Create a new Task with a defined Due Date to be Assigned to a Specific User

Copy Contact: Copy contact to another account


Send Email: Send an email to the contact

Send SMS: Sends a text message to the contact

Slack: Get notifications in Slack

Call: If the contact has been assigned to a user, this event will call the user and play the whisper message. If the contact is unassigned, this event will call the number listed in Settings > Company tab > Company Phone field and play the whisper message. If the person who answers the call presses any number key during the call, we will dial the Contact and if they answer, we will bridge the call.

Voicemail: Pushes a pre-recorded voicemail file to the contact

Messenger: Sends a Facebook Messenger message to the contact (contact needs to have previously messaged a connected Facebook page no more than 24 hours before arriving at this event for the message to be successfully delivered)

Instagram DM: Sends an Instagram DM to the contact (contact needs to have previously messaged a connected Instagram page no more than 24 hours before arriving at this event for the message to be successfully delivered)

Manual Action To SMS: Creates a Manual Action for someone to manually send an SMS to the contact (Manual Actions can be found in Conversations > Manual Actions)

Manual Action To Call: Creates a Manual Action for someone to manually call the contact (Manual Actions can be found in Conversations > Manual Actions)

GMB Messaging: Sends a Google My Business message to the contact

Send Internal Notification: Send a notification to someone other than the contact

Send Review Request: Send a Review Request to the contact

Send Data

Webhook: Fire a webhook containing the contact's details

Custom Webhook: Fire a fully customizable webhook containing any desired details

Google Sheets: Send data to Google Sheets

Internal Tools

If / Else: Fork the contact's journey through this workflow based on conditions

Wait: Holds a contact for a specific time until a condition exists or until the contact replies

Goal Event: When a contact meets the conditions of a Goal Event, they'll jump straight to the Goal (regardless of where they were in the workflow) and continue from the Goal Event

Update Custom Value: Update a Custom Value

Go To: Go To lets you take your contacts to another branch or step.

Date/Time Formatter: Format and Compare date fields

Number Formatter: Format and generate Numeric fields

Math Operation: Add Math Operations like Add and Subtract

Set Event Start Date: Use this event to set the Event Start Date to a specific day, date, and/or time, which enables you to use Wait events that hold contacts in relation to the day/date/time that you set.

Add To Workflow: Adds the contact to another workflow

Remove From Workflow: Removes the contact from a specific workflow

Remove From All Workflows: Removes contact from all workflows

Workflow AI

ChatGPT: Send a prompt to ChatGPT AI and get a response


Eliza AI Appointment Booking: Add contact to AI Bot flow for appointment booking. The bot will converse with the user and try to book the appointment on the selected calendar

Send To Eliza Agent Platform: Once this action is configured, all the contacts will be delivered to Eliza for conversation.


Update Appointment Status: This action changes the status of an Appointment. If the Contact was added to this Workflow via an appointment-related Trigger, the status of the Appointment that fired the Trigger will be updated. If the Contact was added to this Workflow via another method, the status of the most recent Appointment that the Contact is carrying will be updated


Create/Update Opportunity: Creates or updates an Opportunity within the Pipeline that you select

Remove Opportunity: Removes an opportunity associated with the contact


Stripe One Time Charge: Trigger a charge in Stripe for a fixed amount to a specific customer in your Stripe account


Add To Google Analytics: Fire an event in Google Analytics

Add To Google Adwords: Fire a conversion event in Google Ads

Facebook - Add To Custom Audience: Add contact to a custom audience in Facebook

Facebook - Remove From Custom Audience: Remove contact from a custom audience in Facebook

Facebook - Conversion API: The Conversions API allows advertisers to send web events from their servers directly to Facebook


Add To Affiliate Manager: Adds the contact to an affiliate manager

Update Affiliate: Update the affiliate state in manager

Add To Affiliate Campaign: Adds the contact to an affiliate campaign

Remove From Affiliate Campaign: Removes the contact from an affiliate campaign


Membership Grant Offer: Grant contact access to a specific membership product

Membership Revoke Offer: Remove contact's access to a specified membership product

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