How To Set Up Automated Calls And Voicemail Drops in a Workflow

Set up an automated sequence of calls and voicemail drops.

Within the Workflow builder, you may want to set up an automated sequence of calls and voicemail drops. Here’s a sample Workflow showing how you can create this based on a tag.

  • Create a new Workflow.

  • In the Workflow builder, add a trigger for “Contact Tag” and determine which tag you want this to be based on. 

    • Use the “Filters” to choose a specific tag.

    • NOTE: If you do not specify a certain tag, this will run on any contact tag. It’s important to choose the appropriate tag for your business use. Do you want the workflow to run off a tag based on appointment bookings? Or maybe a tag that you added to a marketing list of contacts you imported into your list? Choose that appropriate tag here.

  • Save this trigger and then add your Workflow actions.

  • Add the action Assign to User if you want the calls to go to the assigned user's phone number configured.

  • Then, add the Call action. By default, the call whisper states, "You have a new lead, John Smith. Press any button to connect". You can modify the Call whisper message here:

  • Add the Voicemail action. When the lead can't answer the call, you will hear this message: "Couldn't connect with the lead," and the call ends. You cannot leave a personalized voicemail if this occurs. To leave a personalized voicemail with our Call event, go to the settings of the call step, and you can turn on "Disable Voicemail Detection."

  • You can upload the voicemail file here:

  • Save and publish the Workflow for it to function.

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