When you need to know what is happening for particular contacts within a workflow and are looking into the behavior of a workflow it is crucial to understand where to look for this information.
Here's how to view and understand the Status and History of Workflows.
Navigate to the Execution Logs tab within the Workflow Builder for a particular workflow.
Here you see the Contact, the action they’re on, the status of the action, when it was last executed, event details under “More Details”, and the execution logs of a specific contact with “Execution History”.
Use the dropdown menus to sort and filter through the current statuses for your Workflow.
Here, you can view the Contacts, Action, Executed On date/time, Status, View Details, Execution History, Contact History..
For Contacts, you will be able to view the full history of actions for the contact within the specific workflow. If they’ve been in it more than once, you’ll see all the actions from each time they were added.
The Execution Log and contact history options allow you to view the history of actions for the contact within the specific Workflow. If they’ve been in it more than once, you can use the icon to the left of their name for the complete history within this Workflow.
More Details typically shows a bit more in depth information for troubleshooting.
Navigate to the Enrollment History tab within the Workflow Builder for a particular workflow.
Use the dropdown menus to sort and filter through the current statuses, action types, or even specific contacts for your Workflow.
For Contacts, you’ll see the name and email or phone number of the contact when hovering, and have the ability to jump directly to their contact profile.
Action shows the current/last action the contact is on.
Next execution on shows the next action information
Execution History shows you the full history of that particular contact.