Using the Conversion List for Google Ads with Triggers and Workflows

Conversion List for Google Ads

Follow these steps to use the Conversion List for Google Ads with your Triggers and Workflows:

Step 1: Adding the Conversion action in your Google Ads account

  • Within your Google Ads account, navigate to Tools & Settings from the menu.

  • Click “Conversions” under the Measurement menu.

  • Click “+New Conversion Action” to add.

  • To start tracking conversion, choose the import option from the list that appears.

  • NOTE: Choose what you want to import and select the right button (Google Analytics UA, Google Analytics 4 properties, third-party app analytics, salesforce, or other). If you wish to track clicks on a page or calls initiated by the user, be sure to choose those option from the selectable choices:

Step 2: Set Up the Goals

  • In the “Goal and action optimization” dropdown, choose “Imported Lead”.

  • For the Conversion name, match the name to exactly what will be in your Workflow (Step 3 below).

  • Select a Value. You can use the same, different, or don’t use any value.

  • Determine the count, either “every” or “one”.

  • Determine the Click Through conversion window. 

    • Set this to 90 days and set the Attribution Model as “First click”

Step 3: Setting up the Workflow Action

  • Within the Workflow, add a step/action for “Add to Google Adwords”

  • Select “Other” for Conversion.

  • Insert the Conversion name (exactly as named in Step 2 above). 

  • Click Save and Publish to confirm your changes.

NOTE: In order for the conversion to pass through to Google Ads, the contact record/opportunity must have been created from a URL with a gclid parameter.

Also, it may take approximately 24 hours for the conversion list to populate. 

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