How To Upgrade from V1 to V2 Funnels

Learn more about why and how below.

n October 2021, we created Version 2 funnels and websites with enhanced security features and more robust capabilities for you to manage your business. In order to take advantage of these features and heightened security, it’s critical to update any older, “Version 1” funnels to “Version 2” for full use of the enhanced functionality. Learn more about why and how below.

What are v2 funnels and websites, and why do I need to move to v2?

The Version 2 (v2) funnels and websites offer a more enhanced, secure, and faster experience over the Version 1 (v1) funnels and websites.

Using the v2 funnels and websites, here are some of the benefits you will notice:

  • Faster speed

  • Compatibility with 3D secure payments

  • PayPal payment processing capability

  • Integrate with Stripe Connect instead of using API key integration

  • Create one-step order form checkouts in funnels

  • Use built-in card authorization security when selling a recurring product

  • Transactions will appear in your “Payments” tab

  • Digital products can be created in the payments section and then added to an order form in a funnel step.

Pages built before October 2021 are not labeled with anything and are considered v1. Pages built October 2021 or later are labeled with “Version 2”, as indicated here.

How To Update Your Funnels and Websites to v2

Step 1: Check your Funnel and Website Versions

  • Navigate to your Funnels or Websites page

  • Any Funnels or Websites labeled “Version 2” are all set.

  • Any Funnels or Websites with no label are considered “Version 1” and will need to be updated to v2.

Step 2: Ensure you are Using Stripe Connect

  • Navigate to Payments > Integrations

  • Ensure your Stripe account is connected via Stripe Connect 

    • We have specific tutorials if you need step-by-step guidance on this integration.

  • Import your Stripe Products 

    • Check out our step-by-step tutorial on how to import products from Stripe.

Step 3: Upgrade Your v1 Pages to v2

  • Click into a v1 funnel or website, and the page will look like this, with the “Upgrade to Version2 “ button in the top right corner.

  • Click the button to start the upgrade process.

  • In the popup window, type UPGRADE and then click the “Yes, Upgrade” button to start the upgrade process.

  • This can take up to approximately one minute, depending on how large the funnel or website is. Do not navigate away from the page during this process.

  • Once the process is complete, you’ll see this next to the funnel name, indicating that the upgrade has been completed:

  • The products tab in the funnel will look like this:

Note: Please make sure to test your products in live mode after the upgrade to ensure everything is working as intended.

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