Funnel and Website Settings Overview

Overview of the funnel and website settings. 

In this article, you will see an overview of the funnel and website settings. 

Part 1: Creating Your Funnel/Website

  • To access your funnel, go to Sites - Funnels. To access your website, go to Sites - Website.

  • Here you will see all the funnels or website pages you have, and you can place them in folders to keep things more organized. 

  • You can click on the funnel or website page you want to edit by clicking on the 3 dots and to edit or click on +New Funnel or +New Website to create a new one. 

  • You also can clone the funnel/website, move it to a folder or delete it. You will see these options when you click on the 3 dots next to the funnel. 

Part 2: Funnel and Website Settings

Steps: Here is where you will see all the steps you have in your funnel/website.

Stats: This section provides customers with an overview of the funnel or website performance.

  • Page Views: 

    • All Page Views: This will show the total number of page views and add one to the counter regardless of the IP address of the page visitor. 

    • Unique Page Views: This will show the total number of unique page visitors and add one to the counter for every new IP address. 

  • Opt-ins:

    • All Opt-Ins: This will show the total number of opt-ins received through that page. The test opt-ins will also show here if the test mode is enabled for the funnel. 

    • Opt-In Rate: This is calculated by dividing All Opt-ins/Unique page views. 

  • Sales Stats: 

    • Orders: Total number of purchases recorded in this order step

    • Rate: Calculated by dividing the Sales Count / Unique Page Views

    • Quantity: The total quantity of all products purchased in this funnel/website step

    • Amount: The total value of all the products purchased in that funnel/website step

    • Avg. Cart Value: Calculated by dividing the total amount / total orders.

  • Earnings/Pageview:

    • All: Calculated by dividing Sales Value / All Page Views

    • Unique: Calculated by dividing Earnings / Unique Page Views. 

  • Sales: This is now shown under the Payments tab.

  • Settings: You can edit the funnel or website name, select your domain, path, favicon URL, add a head tracking code and body tracking code, toggle your payment to test or live mode, enable or disable the chat widget, and turn on or off the image optimisation. 

Part 3: Page Editor Bar

  • Arrow pointing to the left: This will send you back to the funnel list. 

  • Desktop icon: This will allow you to see your page as if you are visiting it from the desktop. 

  • Mobile icon: This will allow you to see your page as if you are visiting it from mobile. 

  • Settings: This allows you to change some settings of the page.

  • SEO Meta Data: This tool allows you to improve your Google search by adding keywords that will show up in the search results. 

  • Tracking Code: This is a small snippet of code that allows you to analyze the flow of visitors to your page. 

  • Custom CSS: This allows you to change many elements of your design that are not included in the features we have. 

  • Background: Here you can add an image as your background or color. Keep in mind that this will change the background of all the pages, not only a section or row. 

  • Typography: This will allow you to change the font type of the headline, content, text color, and link color. Keep in mind this will apply to all the pages. You will still be able to edit the font typography, size, and color of a particular text in its element settings.

  • Pop Up: This is a small window that will show up when your leads try to exit the page or click on a button (depending on your settings). You can add here a row and elements, such as a form to help you collect leads. 

  • Undo and Redo: This allows you to undo the last change, or redo a change. 

  • Code Icon: In case you have custom code added, this icon allows you to see how the page will look with the code. 

  • Section: Here you can hold rows, columns, and elements on your page.

  • To add a section: Click on Section - Add Section

  • To manage a section: Click on Section - Manage - In here you will see all the sections you have on this page

  • Rows: A row holds columns and elements.

  • To add a row click on Rows - Add Row - Select the number of columns you want to have in that row

  • To manage a row click on Rows - Manage - You will see all the rows you have on the page

  • Columns: Inside the column is where the elements live. 

    • To manage a column, click on: Manage. You will see all the columns on this page. 

  • Elements: Here is where you can add elements such as text elements, forms, media, order elements, and more. 

  • To add an element click on Elements - Add Element

  • To manage an element click on Elements - Manage. You will see all the elements on this page. 

  • Versions: This is useful in case you made a change and saved it but prefer the way the page looked before. This can help you restore your page to an old version. 

  • Preview: By clicking here, you can see a preview of how your page is looking so far. 

  • Save: This will allow you to save your changes on the page. 

  • Files icon: By clicking here, you can move between the different funnel steps of this funnel. Remember to save the changes made before moving to a different funnel step. 

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