How to Transfer a Domain to Cloudflare

How to transfer your domain Nameservers to Cloudflare.

In this article, you are going to learn how to transfer your domain Nameservers to Cloudflare.

Step 1: Add Site

  • In your Cloudflare account, select Add Site 

  • Input the domain you'd like to add 

  • Select the preferred payment plan for domain (Free is a great option) 

  • Wait for Cloudflare to scan for DNS records.

Step 2: Update Nameservers

  • Once the scan is complete, click "Continue" and change the provided nameservers on your domain registrar to point to Cloudflare. 

  • After you've clicked "Done, check nameservers", as long as everything was input correctly, you are good to go!

Note: Please ensure the Proxy status is set to DNS only as we do not support Cloudflare Proxy when adding domains to Settings > Domains.

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