In this article, you will learn more about the Terms and Conditions field that we have in the form builder. This field was designed to ensure compliance with A2P regulations in the United States. This element allows users to include consent when collecting phone information, making it an essential tool for legal compliance.
Step 1: Adding and Customizing the T & C element
Open the Form Builder by navigating to Sites > Forms
Locate the Terms and Conditions field within the form builder options. Simply click and drag the element to the desired position within your form.
Step 2: Customizing the Terms and Conditions Field
Edit the text as needed
You can also hyperlink a portion of the text to send your users to another site
Save your form.
Note: If you add a phone field to your form, the Terms and Conditions field will be automatically added, simplifying the process and ensuring that legal consent is obtained when collecting phone information.